Return to the Land

Return to the LandThis touching testimony of Ephraim Frank tells the personal story of a “stranger” who felt divinely drawn both to the Promised Land and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  It also tells of the birthing of a new and fresh move of the Holy One.

From the farmlands of America to the Holy Land of Israel, this compelling autobiography is in truth a love story.  While gently revealing what the Father is doing in the earth today, it also depicts many of Israel’s faces, cultures, major events, and sceneries.

A refreshing account of one man’s journey as it unfolds not only his own story, but also a revelation of great magnitude.

ISBN 1-886987-18-1

Published by:       Key of David Publishing
PO Box 700217, Saint CLoud, FL  34770, USA
Telephone:   (US) 1-407-344-7700

Contact Ephraim and Rimona

The best way to communicate with the Frank's is by email. Click below to write and send an email to them. They will answer as soon as they are able.

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